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Christchurch Shootings: What Really Happened

on 15.03.19? The case of Tarik Chenafa

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Tarik Chenafa

Algerian Tarik Chenafa talks about the "terrorist attack" on Al Noor Mosque. He says he always sat near a window, because he knew that, someday, there would be such an attack. Like many "survivors", he claims there were children in the prayer room — despite the fact we see none in the "live-stream".

Tarik Chenafa

In this frame, he indicates where he hurt his head while escaping from the mosque through a window. It is my understanding, however, that the window had no glass in it.

Tarik Chenafa's arm 'wound'
Arm wound, which he says he received when he used his whole body to break the window.

Tarik Chenafa's leg wounds
Leg wounds, which he says he also received during his escape. The RNZ interviewer says his socks were filled with blood.

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